University Athletic Department Brain Technology Solutions
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Provide your athletes with the best in brain health and performance technology and solutions.

We help you scale to meet your needs.  

Ready to get started? Contact us.
Address Head Trauma Issues

Direct Neurofeedback is a proven technology to help ease the issues of repetitive head impacts.

Improve performance in the classroom

Surround your athletes with tools and technology that are proven to help increase focus and improve performance on and off the field.

30+ years & over 30,000 brain sessions of experience shared with your staff.

How it works

Our training is built from Dr. Douglas Cowan's 35+ years of experience and over 30,000 sessions.

We make sure all of your staff are competent in the technology and practices to operate the brain technology.

Used by:

Not sure if a brain technology solution is a good fit for you?

Frequently asked questions

01. How much does it cost to set up a brain center with staff certification?

Certification and sourcing the brain technology for the brain center starts at $30,000 and can serve 15 - 20 athletes. The cost per athlete goes down as the number of athletes served goes up.

02. How long does it take to be trained and certified?

We offer a library of videos to start the certification process. We do require a half day of hands on training by a CalmWaves staff to be fully certified.

03. How does the brain center help with brain trauma and focus in the classroom?

The technologies we use directly improves the brains central nervous system and executive brain locations. There are studies where athletes that have suffered head trauma have improved cognitive functions after using the technology. See the science page for more information.

Ready to get your brain
health center set up?  
Contact us
Brain health and performance center solutions for sporting organizations, mental health professionals, and non-profits.
We listen to your goals, understand who you are helping, and then
create a brain center solutions that's right for you.